Whole30 - Caleb's Story

When I stumbled across this mom’s joyful story about her son Caleb on Instagram, I just knew I needed to share it.  I immediately contacted her to tell her I’d be honored if she’d allow me to tell Caleb’s story on my blog.  I really thought it could help people and raise awareness about the power of nutrition. She got right back to me and was excited and happy to share her son’s Whole30 journey. There are so many people who are benefiting from the Whole30 Program, including me.  I know how much better I feel, but I wasn’t realizing the true healing power of the Whole30 until I read about Caleb.  Sometimes seeing that “evidence” with our own eyes on the outside of the body…makes a bigger impact on the healing that’s happening inside the body.  His mom agreed, "Seeing what eating right can do can be so powerful.  People need to be more informed."  This is why I want to share his incredible story with you… the following is written in his mother's words.

“Caleb’s eczema flared up so horribly this year.  I tried five or six different lotions.  I put vitamin E in his baths.  I used prescription cream on him.  I used a humidifier in his room…still to no avail.

Finally I have decided to look into his diet.  I started doing some research and found out that dairy and processed sugar may contribute to the flare up.  We all decided to say no to dairy, sugar and gluten for 30 days and will only consume foods that are Whole30 approved. It was a hard decision to make because what child doesn’t like his yogurt and cheese?  But I wanted to give it a try.

Guess what?  Only two days later, I already see an improvement!!  I cannot wait for him to heal completely.”

One week later….

“Thank you all who have expressed your encouragements and comments on Caleb’s healing last week.  Here’s another praise report.  I am so proud of my kids who didn’t do much complaining the past 9 days since we decided to cut off all sugar, dairy and gluten.  There were many questions, but never a complaint.

I hope his story continues to raise awareness and encourage positive changes.  The following picture is Day 0….Day 3…and Day 9.”

...Incredible story, thank you so much Rosina for letting me share it.  You have some pretty amazing kids!  It was a pleasure connecting with you.  It is my hope that Caleb's story can inspire others who have lost hope and may be suffering to try nutrition as a way to heal their bodies.  Best of luck to you and your family;)

For more information about the Whole30 Program, check out my Guide to the Whole30 where I've developed a quick start for you... or visit Whole30.com.

Want to learn everything about the Whole30?  I encourage you to check out the amazing book,  "It Starts With Food".  It just might change your life.