It's Fitness Challenge Day 14!! I went for a wonderful walk this Saturday morning with my husband and Stella downtown to our favorite coffee spot. It got warm early here today!
Tomorrow officially marks the "halfway" point in this 30 Day Discipline. It's around the middle that people start to lose their steam. It is called a DISCIPLINE for a reason. It's not easy... that's why you grow as a person by doing them. You made a commitment to yourself, remember? You wrote it down, right? Respect yourself enough to honor that commitment and finish this thing! We are just about into the second half of this Fitness Challenge! That's something to be proud of. Get excited... because you will be better, happier, stronger... in more ways than one when you finish!
I love today's quote because it is everything! Your attitude determines your direction in everything you do. Check it, right now, does your attitude need some fine-tuning? If so, YOU are the only one in control of that! FIX IT... so you can start moving in the direction that serves you. ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!!! I know I will... because I have the right attitude!!