Thinking of trying Paleo? I did…and I don't have any regrets, except that I wish I would've done it sooner. People are trying Paleo for different reasons. Some are tired of counting calories and by eating the Paleo way, you can stop counting calories forever! I love that it doesn't require you to count a single calorie AND allows you to eat until you're no longer hungry! Not many food plans can say that. Some want to eat a cleaner diet and get healthier…lose weight, build muscle and get in the best shape of your life. There's a third reason that maybe you hadn't considered that has to do with your body's pH.
The typical American diet these days is loaded with sugar, processed foods, dairy and grains. These foods are acidic-promoting foods and is the reason that many are living in a state of low-grade acidosis. When your body is too acidic, your body is a disease-magnet! pH in our body's is all about balance. Our ancestors had no problems with pH because they ate a pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer diet, rich in plant foods, high quality meats and no grains. By eating Paleo, we too can optimizing our body's pH by eating the way our ancestors did…a diet rich in raw, organic, whole foods. It will help your body achieve a healthy balance.
Still not convinced to give it a try? Consider this...
The average Human back then: tall, muscular, agile, athletic and incredibly versatile.
The average Human now: overweight, out of shape, unhappy, stressed, sleep deprived and dying from a plethora of preventable diseases.
Hmmm, if that sounds like you…try a 30-Day Discipline and commit to eating Paleo for 30 days and see how you feel. If it's not for you, you can always go back to your disease-magnet, acidic-promoting diet! ;)
(Note…you may have noticed that I don't say Paleo "Diet" as it is often referred to. I think the word "diet" tends to be misleading to people, making them think of a "quick fix", temporary weight loss plan. I like to say the Paleo "way" or "lifestyle" because that's what it's become to me.)