Happy Frenchie Friday! When the sun hits "Stella" just right on our walks her shadow just cracks us up. The song "Me & My Shadow" starts playing in Those ears sticking up like a bat and her back legs scissoring back and forth so rapidly…it makes us laugh and laugh! Especially when she starts panting and the shadow of her big ol' bulldog tongue starts flapping...
It's amazing how many other people I see walking their dogs and you can just tell they are "someplace else". They have their cellphones glued to their heads, doing anything but living in the moment. Take the time today to really think about "where you're at"… and be 100% in that moment. When you are at work… give it your all. When you're with your kids… bewith your kids. When you're with your spouse… be with your spouse. When you try this, you might start ENJOYING each of those precious moments more. Even if you're out walking your dog… maybe you'll notice the little things, like your dog's silly shadow… and it just might make you giggle. :)