I try a lot of products and this one is WORTHY of a shout out!! As I've gotten older I now know HOW important taking care of your skin is to stay looking young and healthy. People are going to EXTREME measures for beauty and youth these days…some people aren't even looking human anymore with all the procedures and plastic surgery available! Personally, I think it's gone too far. I believe in aging gracefully and I think some of the most beautiful women I've seen are older… With that said, there are some products out there that can really help your skin look better, without going under the knife.
I've tried a couple of enzyme peels that said they were "gentle", but my skin ended up red and irritated. I was in Sephora one day…(I LOVE going to Sephora and browsing their products!) I had been using AMORE PACIFIC's "Moisure Bound Vitalizing Masque"…(I sleep in it and like it) so I was looking over their other products and one of the ladies in black came over to see if I needed help. She asked if I'd tried their "Enzyme Peel" and I told her I was a little wary of "peels" because I can have sensitive skin with them…she raved about it, said it was gentle, and that all the ladies who work there use it; it's one of their favorite products in the store! So, the product junkie that I am...I had to try it!
Well, from the very first time I tried it...I WAS IN LOVE. It was different than any other product I'd tried before. It was SO gentle. My skin was SO soft. It smells great. It even comes in pre-measured doses so you use the perfect amount every time (NO WASTE)….you take the top off, turn the bottle completely upside down over your palm and the pre-measured powder comes out and stops when it's done! You add a small amount of water to activate it, massage the luxurious creamy lather all over your face for 30-45 seconds, then rinse. That's it. It's easy, quick and your skin will be glowing and soft.
So what exactly is it? It's a 'water-activated botanical enzyme treatment to effectively eliminate excess surface cells and toxins responsible for irregularities in texture and tone and optimize penetration of all skincare products which follow'.
How much does it cost? Here's the deal…it's $60. That may sound like a lot to some people, or a little to some people. To me, that's on the higher end. I think there are many great products out there today that you can find that don't break the bank. Many products are crazy expensive that are a rip off! Some are that expensive because of their "exclusive brand"... some make promises they can't keep. It can be frustrating and overwhelming!! That's why I wanted to share this product with you. It's a large bottle, I can't remember how long I've had it because it's lasted SO long! You use such a small amount that it lasts and lasts. It's gentle enough to use daily, but I use it about once a week…or whenever my skin seems like it needs it. So to me, that makes the 60 bucks a BARGAIN. It's kind of like the "cost per wear" when shopping for clothes;)
I hope this helps you navigate all those miles and miles of beauty products out there! I hope you give it a try and have a happy, beautiful day!