What is your Daily Routine?

daily-routine What is your daily routine?  Maybe you're a stay at home mom.  Maybe you're a career woman.  Maybe you work from home.  Maybe you have kids.  Maybe not....  No matter what your life looks like, the secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

I wanted to share my experience about this with you because it took me time to realize just how important this is.  It's not what you do every once in a while, it's what you do on a regular basis that makes the difference.  This sounds so simple, but I must admit, this is not something I used to be good at.  Now that I've embraced it, it really has enhanced the quality of my life...and my family's life.

I used to eat right....every once in a while.

I used to workout...every once in a while.

I used to make my bed...every once in a while.

I used to have a perfectly clean house...not often enough!

Living this way is no way to live!  It's uncomfortable and can cause stress for the whole family.

It was actually easier for me to have a daily routine when I used to work 10 hour days outside the home, because I had to.  When I stopped working outside the home and stayed home to help raise my stepsons, it was quite a change for me.  It takes more self discipline to structure my day.  I didn't know how to be a "housewife", let alone a "mom".  It didn't feel like it came naturally to me.  At times I felt overwhelmed and wondered if I'd ever get the hang of it.  But I wanted to be good at it...so I jumped in, learned as I went, and now my stepsons are off to college!  With even more time on my hands, I'm now SO excited to have finally found my passion in life, giving back, helping others, getting really happy and healthy myself...so I can help others do the same.  Whatever your days look like, you still need to have a daily routine.

When I started to develop a daily routine, it helped me add structure to my day.  In the beginning, schedule your day like you would appointments, until you get used to it.  It will actually simplify your life.  If you work from home, schedule your day like you would if you worked outside the home.  Work for a set amount of time, with scheduled breaks and lunch.  Schedule the end of your "work day" at a set time.  Once you get used to this, you'll start to follow your routine more than you follow the clock.

Start your day off right.  Make the beds, throw a load of laundry in, unload the dishwasher...these things can help jumpstart your day if done first thing.

Keep your house clean.  Don't get lazy on this, take pride in your home.  Your family will appreciate it and it will set a good example for your kids when they leave home.  Trust me, you don't have to be Martha Stewart, just keep it clean.  It's important to take pride in your home.  No matter what kind of home you have, it will look better clean.  You shouldn't have a panic attack if someone drops by unexpectedly.  When I was working on this, it helped me to always keep my house in a condition as if I was expecting someone.  THIS works!

I schedule my daily routine to keep my household running smoothly.  I schedule my chores, my errands, and my work.  Make a list of what you need to do on a daily basis.  Make a list of what you need to do on a weekly basis.  Make a list of what you need to do on a monthly basis.  Make a list of what you need to do seasonally.  Decide what works best on which days and put them on a calendar!  Start letting your SCHEDULE dictate your day.  Trust me, this is easier than looking around your house and seeing EVERYTHING that needs to get done and not knowing how you'll ever have the time!!  It can cause panic and anxiety, right?  Make a plan and let your schedule dictate your day.  You don't have to do everything at once, as you start using a daily routine schedule, you will be able to keep up with tasks easier.

Here are The Daily 7 For a Highly Successful Household:  -by Stephanie O'Dea of totallytogetherjournal.com

  1. Make Beds Right Away (simplify your bedding if you haven't, you really don't need 100 throw pillows!  Pull beds away from walls)
  2. Do One Complete Load of Laundry (this means wash, dry, fold, put away)
  3. Empty All Garbage Cans (especially the kitchen...great chore for kids!)
  4. Keep Your Kitchen Sink Empty (once one dish gets left in the sink, other dishes are attracted to it like a magnet, you know this is true!)
  5. Clean Up After Yourself and Help Children Do the Same
  6. Bathroom Wipe-Down (keep cleaning wipes in each bathroom or use something from the dirty hamper to do a quick wipedown!)
  7. Before Bed 10-Minute Clean Up (tidy up, put things away, straighten couch pillows, fold throw blankets...you'll be happier each morning!)

Get your kids involved in learning to develop a daily routine too.  Kids love and crave structure.  Even at a young age, they'll still learn routine by knowing what's coming next.  For example, dinner, then playtime, then bath time, then teeth brushing, then reading, then bed.  As they get old enough have them help out around the house.  This will help create healthy habits for them in the future.  Having a daily routine for kids helps them expect what's coming next so there's less stress at bedtime.  Routines help families feel more relaxed.

Get some exercise.  Even if it's walking with your kids in a stroller, an evening stroll with your spouse, a workout class, make sure you get moving and stay moving...it will keep you happier and healthier.  I encourage you to work this into your routine so it becomes a habit.

Schedule your time off.  Don't forget this one.  If you don't schedule it, it won't happen.  When you don't work outside the home or are a stay at home mom....people don't realize it's still A LOT of work!  You need to schedule some down time just for you.  Maybe it's a little time each day.  Maybe it's a whole day, or days, off if that works for you.  I like scheduling a time because it leaves you "guilt free".  I hate the image of moms dropping their kids off at school and spending their days watching soap operas on the couch eating Bon Bons!  I don't, and have never known, any moms who actually do that!  I don't think moms get enough credit.  Busy moms tend to go go go and don't take any time for themselves.  You need this for your sanity!  If you feel like you couldn't possibly find the time for you....try.  Even a little will help.

It's a mindset I had to adjust to.  I would often feel guilty for taking "me time" because I wasn't officially "working" anymore.  But running a household is a lot of work, I wasn't giving myself enough credit.  I've since gotten over that. ;)  I just make sure my husband is happy and all my other stuff is done first!

Be efficient.  Don't create a lot of busy work just to seem busy.  Now this doesn't apply to the truly busy moms out there who literally have trouble finding enough personal time to take a shower or go to the bathroom by themselves!  I'm talking about women who work from home, kids are older, or are empty nesters like me...it can leave you with free time!  Use it wisely.  Finish chores, errands, etc efficiently and guess what?  You can have more time to do something else you enjoy!!  What's next?  Take a class, learn something new, what is something that you've always wanted to do?  What's your passion?  Maybe your spouse has more time off and you can learn something together!  Start thinking about your next adventure.

End the day right.  A key to starting each day right is ending each day right.  Remember the power of ten minutes.  Find out what small routines work at what times, and adjust.  Tidy up.  Fold laundry.  Ending the day with a clean kitchen will ensure the next day starts off right.

Last but DEFINITELY not least,  if spending time with your spouse is not happening....schedule time with your spouse, when it's just the two of you.  This gets missed too often with busy lives and little kids.  Plan a date night, a date day...get creative and plan it!  I've even heard that couples with young kids who can't get a babysitter are starting to have "dates" at home!  After really young kids go to bed they are planning elaborate dinner dates at home, getting dressed up and everything!  That's the key with this, since you're still at home you have to make it really special so you don't slip and it ends up being like any other night.  Don't skimp on the details.  This is one time you don't want it to be routine;)  

Having a daily routine will help you accomplish more, more efficiently.  Daily routines establish expectations for your family.  It will make you happier because you know there's a time for everything and you'll be less likely to feel overwhelmed.  When you feel like you're accomplishing the things in your daily routine, it's a good feeling.  If you're just starting out, or feeling overwhelmed, start small an build on it.  You'll get the hang of it.  Running a household takes practice.  It took practice for me.  If I can do it, you can too;)

Frenchie Friday!

Happy Frenchie Friday everyone!  "Stella" went for a longer walk than normal this morning because it was cool...about 5 or 6 miles.  She was fired up when she got home....carried her Syracuse "BoBo" around...supporting her brother who goes there! IMG_6811

She was tuckered out!  She fell asleep soon after, resting her heavy Frenchie head....


She didn't want to eat today...she sometimes has bad days where she doesn't want to eat.  Her belly started to grumble so my husband made her a scrambled egg this evening to mix in her food because that's her favorite.  I sat by her bowl and hand fed her until she finally took a couple of bites.  Once she did, she ate the whole bowl!  I'm so happy....I hate it when she won't eat.

She has a megaesophagus which makes eating troublesome for her anyway....but we just feed her small meals, often....hold her up after and "burp" her and she does great...knock on wood!  But every once in a while she doesn't want any part of her food.

I am SO excited because today is the FIRST day I'm NOT sore after my workout!!  I went to a FIT class last night and it was hard!!  I woke up today and I was NOT sore!!  I'm finally over it!  I'm seeing some changes already and am excited to keep it up!!

I wish you all an amazingly fantastic Frenchie Friday...have a wonderful weekend!

"Frenchie Friday" - Stella's going Paleo!

IMG_5462 Happy Frenchie Friday!  "Stella" was out of food so I went to PETCO this morning to get her usual food that she's been eating for quite some time...Blue Buffalo Life Protection Small Breed.  She loves it.  I have to feed her small kibbles because she has a megaesophgus so this is perfect.  As I was picking up her bag...I noticed this new one next to it.  Same exact food, but Grain-Free!  I thought to myself, I'm not eating grains anymore and am feeling SO MUCH BETTER....why not try this for my "Stella"!?  Dogs shouldn't be eating grains anyway!  I learned from my years as a Registered Veterinary Nurse how important it is to feed pets a high quality food.  Feeding a "grocery store", low quality food is the equivalent of us eating McDonalds on a daily basis!

There are so many good, quality dog foods out there today...there weren't very many when I started working in the veterinary field 20 something years ago!  In learning how grains can wreak havoc on our brains and bodies...I'm happy to eliminate it from my dog's diet too!!  Once I got the bag home, I noticed it even has a picture of a Frenchie on it!!

Of course I had to pick her up a couple new toys while I was there...she loves getting new toys.  I got her the pig in the picture above, because it looked like her "mini me"....and an ALIEN!  I feel like if she could talk in this photo....she'd be saying "Don't worry mama, I've got this, he's not getting away."......


So, it's official, "Stella" is now Paleo too!  :)  Big hugs from mama....wishing you a Happy, Healthy Frenchie Friday!!!


Find Your Passion With These 5 Thought-Provoking Questions

you-know-you've-found-your-passion For many years I felt like I was searching for something that I had lost.  That's the best way I can think to describe it.  I had been working in a field for 17 years and was invested in it.  I had gone to school for it.  I had credentials for it.  I was good at it.  So why wasn't I HAPPY?  It wasn't my passion.

I think many of us have this issue.  Everyone wants to find their PASSION; we are told to "lean in"... the problem is, what if don't know how to find it.  What if we don't know which way to lean?

Now that I have found MY passion by starting this website and helping others....I read an article recently that I really thought could help people find their passion.  Warren Berger, author of A MORE BEAUTIFUL QUESTION, collected the provocative questions top designers, tech innovators, and entrepreneurs ask themselves to spark creativity.  I found some of the questions really inspiring...

Whether you’re starting out or considering a possible change in direction, asking yourself the right questions is critical.  I picked out the following five from Warren Berger's article...maybe they can help you figure out where your heart lies and what you really ought to be doing.

What Is Your Tennis Ball?  This question, derived from a terrific commencement speech given at MIT by Dropbox founder Drew Houston, is a good place to start because it cuts to the chase. As Houston explained, “The most successful people are obsessed with solving an important problem, something that matters to them. They remind me of a dog chasing a tennis ball.” To increase your chances of happiness and success, Houston said, you must “find your tennis ball--the thing that pulls you.”

“You almost have to ask yourself, What do I find myself doing?,” explains the author and happiness guru Gretchen Rubin. “What you spend time doing can also tell you what you should do. Because sometimes the things we do without thinking really are things we naturally enjoy or are good at.”

So pay attention to what pulls you. For instance, “when you’re in a bookstore,” says author Carol Adrienne, “what section of the store are you drawn to?” That will not only tell you what books you love--it may point to where your tennis ball can be found.

What Are Your Superpowers?  The idea behind this question is to “unpack the combination of personality traits and aptitudes you bring effortlessly to any situation.”  What are you good at?  If we can identify our inherent character strengths and build on them, we can lead happier, more successful lives.  Once you’ve identified your own strengths, you’ll be in a better position to make the most of what you already have going for you.

What Did You Enjoy Doing At Age 10?  Sometimes by looking back into the past you can get a glimpse of who you really are and what you loved doing before others started telling you what you should do.  A psychotherapist and author, agrees, adding: “The things we loved as a child are probably still the things we love.” He suggests drawing up a list of favorite activities and interests from childhood--“and see what still resonates with you today. And then it’s a process of updating those loves. You may have loved something that doesn’t even exist now, or doesn’t make sense in your life now--but you may be able to find a new version of that.”

Looking Back, 20 or 30 Years From Now, What Do You Want To Say You Accomplished?  Think of this exercise as a less-gloomy version of write-your-own-obituary. What would you include on your list of hoped-for achievements?  "Never give up on something you really want.  It's difficult to try, but worse to regret."

What Is Your Sentence?  In the end, simplicity is best.  This is a question designed to help you distill purpose and passion to its essence by formulating a single sentence that sums up who you are and what, above all, you aim to achieve.  This simple question can be traced back to the journalist and pioneering Congresswoman Clare Booth Luce. While visiting John F. Kennedy early in his presidency, Luce expressed concern that Kennedy might be in danger of trying to do too much, thereby losing focus. She told him “a great man is a sentence”--meaning that a leader with a clear and strong purpose could be summed up in a single line.

This concept can be useful to anyone, not just presidents. Your sentence might be, “She raised four kids who became happy, healthy adults,” or “She invented a device that made people’s lives easier.” If your sentence is a goal not yet achieved, then you also must ask: How might I begin to live up to my own sentence?

I hope these questions spark some creative thinking!  Are you REALLY HAPPY or do you feel like you're still searching for something.  Are you doing what you truly WANT to be doing...or what you SHOULD be doing?  Did you stumble into your career or did you CHOOSE it?  Maybe it's time for a change.  At least start giving it some of your attention, some practice, it may turn into more...


For the full article by Warren Berger:  visit www.fastcodesign.com

The best Champagne stopper - keeps it fresh for a week!

champagne-stopper My friends know I love anything that has to do with Champagne.  I was given this gift recently and it's AMAZING. It's a CapaBubbles Champagne Stopper...a reusable cap... that keeps your sparkling wine bubbly for a whole week!  This is not my first champagne stopper I've owned...I have found some that work GREAT...but this one is special!

First of all....I opened it and it said this on it, SO cute...


The bottom section unscrews from the top section... and the bottom part opens and closes around the flange of the bottle.  The top then screws on!!  It literally turns your bottle into a SCREW CAP!!  Genius!  It's totally air tight too...the rubber lid actually balloons up a bit as it's tightened, creating a pressurized cap...it's very secure because it screws on.

IMG_9901 IMG_5903

I like this one better than my metal one I have because that one can pop off if you're not careful!  I've heard it pop off in the fridge before!  This one comes with handy instructions right on the cute container...


They have such cute sayings on them!  There are 4 different sparkling ones to choose from.  The company is called CapaBunga and they also have very cute regular wine stoppers with different sayings on them, among other products.  When I looked up their company I saw that they are located right near me!  They are right up the road in Windsor, California...near Healdsburg.  I'll have to go find them!  I know what I'm getting all my friends...now that I've turned them all into Champagne lovers too;)

To learn more about the company....click here on capabunga.com  They also have a video on how to use it!  They will customize items for you too...I see some CapaBubbles stoppers with "Happy WifeStyle" written on them in my future!!

Now you can enjoy Champagne anytime!  "Always keep a bottle of champagne in the fridge for special occasions.  Sometimes the special occasion is that you've got a bottle of champagne in the fridge.  -Hester Browne

-Purple cap pictures taken by me, that's my stopper!  The others were taken my CapaBunga.  

5 Ways To Be a Better Listener

Be-a-better-listener I was excited to write this post because I think it's such an important skill:  Being a good listener.  I've always been more of a "listener" than a "talker" but I know there are times when I am better at it than others.  I'm excited to become better at it by practicing the techniques below...

Think about this... Do you listen to comprehend or do you listen to reply?  

Some people may have better listening skills with their friends and colleagues than they do with their spouses.  I've heard that this is a common complaint with spouses... to feel "un-heard".  People can become too comfortable or think they know their spouse so well that they tune them out.

You can probably think of times when you could've been a better listener.  With SO many different personalities out there, it's a great skill to learn to become better at.... because you never know when someone really needs you to listen to them.

  1. Open up your body language.  Your body language can tell another person whether you are interested or disinterested in what they have to say.  Lean slightly forward and make eye contact.  A simple smile and occasional nod can show someone that you are interested and engaged in their story.  If you are at an event where you don't know anyone, your body language can signal nervousness.  This can be crossing your arms, shoving your hands in your pockets, avoiding eye contact... these small physical barriers can discourage others from even approaching you.
  2. Stay engaged.  When in a busy area, focus on the person you're with rather than what is going on around you.  Similarly, when on the phone with someone, turn off the TV, close that laptop... and give the person you are talking to your full attention.  All the technology out there today can be VERY distracting....that distraction can make others feel unimportant.  If it's impossible to focus at that moment, be upfront and tell them you want to be able to focus fully on what they have to say and suggest a better place or time.
  3. Resist the urge to interrupt.  We've all done this.  It can be tempting to finish someone's sentence to show you comprehend their message, but it can come off as rude.  Listening builds trust.  If you interrupt someone, even with good intentions, it denies the person the opportunity to fully express themselves.  You also may be assuming you comprehend their message when you don't.  To ensure that you won't interrupt, always pause for a few seconds before responding.  Often by doing this, they will add something important that they would have left out otherwise.  Resist the urge to talk about yourself right away.  You can always add a similar story about yourself later to show you understand.
  4. Ask questions.  The two most powerful words in a conversation are, "Tell me."  People will perk up when you ask them questions and listen closely to what they have to say.  If you take an active interest in the lives of others, they will return the favor.  Open-ended questions provide a good opportunity for people to elaborate on a given topic and will keep the conversation flowing smoothly. If you don't understand the point someone is trying to make, ask for clarification or specific examples.
  5. Be empathetic.  Don't just listen with your ears, listen with your eyes and your heart.  Even if you don't agree with them, imagine how they must feel.  Put yourself in their shoes.  Don't focus on what you're going to say next.  It's distracting and hinders the conversation.  Focus on their story.  Ask yourself, "How would I feel if that was me?"  And once you've fully absorbed what the person has said, respond thoughtfully.

I hope these techniques will help you in more than one area of your life...practice them.  Remember, don't judge or criticize... just simply listen.

Some fun quotes, enjoy!...

"Everyone you will ever meet, knows something you don't." -Bill Nye

"Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone." -unknown

"Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens."

"God gave us mouths that close and ears that don't, that must tell us something."

"Learn to be a good listener.  Your ears will never get you into trouble."

"The work LISTEN contains the same letters as SILENT."

"There is a difference between truly listening and waiting for your turn to talk. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Listen to understand not to say something back in return."

-This article is written in my own words.  The guideline for the 5 techniques is from entrepreneur.com