How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

gratidude Gratitude helps us gain perspective when we are feeling unhappy or unsatisfied with our lives.  Sometimes we can lose sight of what's really important...understandably so, with all the distractions nowadays.  Learning to use gratitude as a tool can make a dramatically positive impact on our lives.

It's easy to feel gratitude when things are going our way and we are happy.  What about when things are not going our way?  Harder, isn't it?  We tend to succumb to frustration.  So what can we do to turn things around in our favor quickly?  GRATITUDE.

It's actually difficult to focus on the negative when we are feeling grateful.  The key to making gratitude a habit is to feel grateful regardless of your circumstances.  There is always going to be "ups" and "downs" in life.  That's okay!  What we don't realize, is that those "ups" and "downs" are part of life.  If we didn't experience the "downs", we wouldn't know how good the "ups" feel!   We NEED that contrast to navigate and learn what we want in life.  We need that contrast to grow.  We shouldn't let our feelings of gratitude be dictated by what's going on in our lives at that moment.  Find gratitude in every moment.  By changing this one thing, it can make a HUGE impact on what we attract into our lives.

How can gratitude benefit our lives?  In order to attract more of what we want, we must be in what is called an "attitude of gratitude", because gratitude is essential to put the Law of Attraction into motion, a universal law that states that whatever you focus on is what you're going to get, whether you want it or not.  (I'm not elaborating on this because I've written a blog post about this in more detail, click on the link above to learn more...I recommend it!)

So how do we do this?  At first, we tend to be thankful for things.  That's a great place to start, but when we make gratitude a habit...we move to feeling grateful for life itself.  We start moving in this direction by being grateful for waking up every day, breathing, the love we feel, and our failures.  Yes, our mistakes and failures.  Be grateful for means you tried and you're better for it.  Be grateful for that.  Once we make this a habit, we are grateful for not only things...we are grateful to just be.

One way to practice making gratitude a part of your life is to silently list what you are grateful for in your life...right when you wake up.  When we sleep, our minds "reset" so to speak.  We release negativity when we sleep by releasing resistance.  For this reason, it's easier to feel gratitude at this time.  Keep your eyes closed for just a few moments and think about all the things you are grateful for.  Starting each day in this way will put you in a better frame of mind and you will start noticing the positive benefits.

Another way to remind you throughout the day to feel gratitude is with a "gratitude rock".  Find a smooth rock that feels good in your hand.  Make it special.  Keep this gratitude rock with you at all times, in your pocket or purse....somewhere you will come across it at least a few times a day.  When you touch it, take a moment to hold it, roll it around in your hand.  As you do, think of what you are grateful for...what you have already.  Remember, don't think about what you "lack"...think about what you are grateful for.   When you go to bed, put it by your bed or somewhere you will see it first thing, so you don't forget to take it with you.

If we can find a way to have gratitude in each moment, our lives will improve dramatically.  Learn to begin each day and live each moment in gratitude...then watch your life transform.

The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for.

Frenchie Friday - Happy Birthday Stella!

IMG_5470 Happy Frenchie Friday!  "Stella" celebrated her 8th birthday yesterday!  She has had this birthday cake toy for quite a few years now and she never fails to get it out for her birthday.  It was actually a little eerie the first time she did that.  It used to play the Happy Birthday song, but that broke from all the is now silent, which isn't a bad thing after hearing it too many times;)

She has since moved on to her new birthday present, this new turkey...that gobbles when you shake it and has "rope legs" for chewing...that's a big smile!!


It's hard to believe she's already eight, but she's truly a puppy at heart...and that's what matters, right?  Not that she's super old, but people always ask if she's a puppy.  She lives life to the fullest, plays daily, lives in the moment, doesn't worry about her age...we can learn something from our pets how to enjoy life more.  

Age is just a number.  We are only as old as we feel.  Stella and I wish you a youthful, FUN Frenchie Friday!!!

Happiness is...falling asleep with your new toy still in your tuckered.


Frenchie Friday!

Stella-gator Happy Frenchie Friday!  Stella got a new gift recently from her auntie Stephanie...this gator.  She loves him and carries him everywhere she goes.  This just cracked me up the other day when she set him down and proceeded to lie down right next to him.

I've never seen a dog take care of her toys like Stella does.  When she gets a new one she gives it undivided attention for about a week.  Then she adds it to the mix and gives them all equal time...she loves and plays with them all.  As you can see "Gator" is still in his initiation period...

Have a fantastic Frenchie Friday everyone....remember to take care of the ones you love.

Thanks Steph!

5 Things a Good Man Does and 5 Things He Doesn't

a-good-man I got a message from someone on Twitter the other day telling me that they work at a shelter for women with children... and wanted to let me know that my blog has been inspirational.  I'm so thankful for the feedback and thought this would be an important subject to write about...

Recently I came across a website that I found very interesting.  It's called The Good Men Project which is written by men who are sharing their stories about defining moments in their lives.  It was started in 2009 and they set out to start an international conversation, that no one else is having, about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century. And with over 5 million visitors joining in every month, it looks as if they've done exactly that.

I love that men are aspiring to be "good men" and are sharing it.  I know some very good men that are always trying to better themselves.  I've also known men that could definitely use some improvement...and that's putting it lightly.  I wanted to write about this article to share a man's perspective on what defines a good's what is has to say....

♦◊♦ 'While there are many ways to size up a good man, the most important measure is the way he conducts himself. A good man isn’t perfect—he’s a mensch, not a saint. But his behavior is aspirational, and he works hard to uphold a standard. The list below is by no means definitive, nor is it meant to be all-encompassing. But it’s surely a good start at characterizing the modern good man.

5 Things a Good Man Does...

  1. A good man models respectful behavior. At home, at work, in social situations, even encounters with strangers, a good man always behaves respectfully, not only because it’s the right way to treat others, but also to show others the right way to treat people.
  2. A good man honors his families—the one he grew up in and the one he forms—and considers them as one. If rancor arises within or between them, he quickly quells it, and he tolerates no divisiveness or sniping.
  3. A good man is generous. He expands his life beyond home and work and gives what he can—his time, his expertise, his resources—to people who need and to causes he cares about.
  4. A good man manages his emotions. He expresses his feelings but doesn’t wallow in them. He is spontaneous but not impulsive. And rage is not in his range of behavior.
  5. A good man values his time. He completes his work and enjoys his leisure, but he doesn’t fritter hours away on meaningless activities or mindless entertainment. And those he loves come first on his calendar.

5 Things a Good Man Doesn't Do...

  1. A good man doesn’t objectify women. He knows the difference between appreciating beauty and reducing a person to the sum of her parts. And he teaches it to his children, too.
  2. A good man doesn’t glorify violence—he abhors it. He understands that fighting may be necessary—to protect the innocent or defend a nation at war. But he sees violence as a last resort that has no place in everyday life.
  3. A good man doesn’t avoid responsibility or stay on the sidelines. If it’s his fault, he owns up. If it’s his job, he steps up. When the game’s on, he suits up. And if a person or principle he values is threatened, he stands up and steps in.
  4. A good man doesn’t take foolish risks. He keeps what he earns, doesn’t gamble, spends smartly, and invests wisely. He wants to enjoy his future and therefore doesn’t jeopardize it.
  5. A good man doesn’t use force or power to intimidate or control, because ultimately, his conduct is more important than the outcome.'

-This article was written by Thomas G. Fiffer   ♦◊♦

What are your thoughts about this list?  I think it's a great list to get a conversation started.  I think that men could learn a lot from it.  Here are a few more of my thoughts about it specifically....

First of all, I'll admit I had to look up the word 'mensch'.... it means "a person of integrity or honor" case you were about to google it;)

I don't necessarily like the word "abhors" violence in general.  Toward women, yes, but there is a time and a place when I believe a good man steps up and shouldn't hesitate protecting his family...but the explanation clarifies it to mean this, I think.

The other one that I would slightly disagree with is to "honor his families..."  Yes, I absolutely agree about the family he has formed or chosen, his spouse, his children...  But depending on the kind of family he was raised in, I believe he has a choice to make.  If it happens to be a negative environment to bring his current family into, I think it's also a good man that recognizes that and makes the decision based on what's best for his current family.  I just don't believe in ALL situations they should be considered as ONE.

I think this would be a great list to show your sons.  Having two stepsons myself who are growing into "good" young men, I've seen them make mistakes, but have seen how those mistakes changed them for the better.  It's so important to point them toward the right path.  No one is perfect; mistakes will be made.  The important thing is to own themlearn from them, and grow... always uphold a standard for yourself and always aspire to be better.

If you happen to feel like there aren't any good men left, they're out there.  Everyone deserves to have a good man in their life.  It's our job as women to not only be good women, but to believe we are worthy and deserving of a good man.

For more information on the Good Men Project or just to check out the male perspective....visit the site

It's Frenchie Friday! Find your Happiness...

IMG_7801 T-G-I-Frenchie Friday!!!  This morning "Stella" made me think of the simple happy moments that we let pass by all too often...

These are the moments that actually define happiness.  They can be the smallest moments in life that make up our happiness if we take the time to notice them.  Today it was the sunshine on "Stella's" face.  She absolutely loves sunshine, she'll seek it out and today the first thing she did was run up to the window and she just looked so happy.   Watching her in her small simple moments reminds me to enjoy my small simple moments.  We tend to wait for this BIG life event to be happy.  We are missing it completely.   When we wait for happiness to come to us, it never arrives because happiness isn't an outside job, it's an inside one.


Dogs can remind us sometimes to simplify and just enjoy the present moment.  They are the ultimate "in the moment" creatures.  They don't hold grudges; they love unconditionally.  I hope you start looking for those small subtle moments in YOUR life...there's probably happiness lurking all around you, take notice....don't let happiness pass you by.  Be grateful.  You see, happiness is so tiny and so small that it’s fleeting...if you don’t take the time to see it.

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you."  -Walt Whitman
